Short Stay Home

Short Stay Home

The idea is to provide short stay to widows, divorcee, unwed mothers or women in distress. Women and girls who are either rejected by their families or are having marital problems come to us in their hour of crisis. The general problems include:

  1. Family disorganization.
  2. Marital maladjustment.
  3. Police Cases / Court Cases.
  4. Women in moral danger.
  5. Psychological Problems.
  6. Unmarried / widowed mothers.

The women here stay is a safe and secured environment away from public gaze and criticism. Young girls also find shelter here and proper care is taken for their stay, food and education.

Rehabilitation process is an integral part of this activity. The residents are treated very affectionately and supported psychologically and given protection till they are able to join the main stream of life. If needed, they are given training to earn their livelihood and stand on their own feet and lead a life of self respect. Many lost and abandoned women have been restored to their families. Also many eligible women have been married and are leading happy and settled married life with their families.